About Us

Elevated Learning Academy Inc

Elevated Learning Academy Inc.

 ...is dedicated to developing health and wellness professionals, focusing on the professions of Personal Fitness Trainers, Nutrition Practitioners, and Cannabis Health Educators. Our programs are designed to be accessible, be job-specific, and be delivered in a timely manner. We aim to deliver on these parameters on a daily basis by:

Low Barrier to Entry:
Our entrance requirements encompass a High School Diploma (or equivalent) or a Competency Exam
We offer multiple start-dates per year, with class offerings during the day, as well as in the evenings, enabling working and/or parenting students to attend classes
Job-Specific Training:
Our curriculum is made up of strictly the material that one would require to do an excellent job in their profession. No time is wasted on theory or padded with additional classes that one may not find necessary in the real world.
Short Programs:
All of our programs are just 4-months in length, enabling our graduates to enjoy an accelerated learning experience, and fast access to the workforce.
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Our History

Elevated Learning Academy Inc. has been operating in Alberta since 2010, and has experienced immense success and growth since its inception. Since opening our doors, we have graduated hundreds of students, have built industry relationships with dozens of organizations, and have celebrated impressive employment rates and a great number of success stories by our alumni.
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We are devoted to providing quality education,

through the utilization of experienced and knowledgeable instructors, within an interactive learning environment. All classes are structured around providing students a dynamic learning experiences, that optimizes all 4 learning styles: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and hearing.

Personal Fitness Trainer Diploma

All-in-1 package where upon completion of the program, you’d have absolutely everything that you’d need to work and excel as a personal trainer. Included are an internationally-recognized personal training certification, your CPR certification, gym memberships to various gyms in the city, and even your textbooks. Plus it’s only 4 months long.
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Applied Nutrition Science Diploma

This is the only accelerated Diploma program in Alberta teaching evidence-based nutrition. The program is taught by a Registered Dietitian, and delivered through a progressive education model called ‘Flipped Classroom’. In the tuition are included all learning tools, including a textbook and iPad.
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Cannabis & Health Specialist Diploma

This exciting and rapidly expanding industry is in need of qualified professionals. This one of a kind program takes a deep dive into all aspects of being a properly trained cannabis and health specialist such that upon graduation you will ready to lauch your career. You can then choose from  mutiple cannabis career paths and we'll even help you with that too!
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All of Elevated Learning Academy’s programs are:

4 months in length (they are accelerated Diplomas)

Are government designated*

Are taught by current industry-experts (not simply academics)

*Students are eligible for government funding

Are the same tuition amount

*Align with stringent regulations around quality of delivery, graduation rates, and employment rates

Have the same admission requirements

Are designated to accept international students

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Elevated Learning Academy’s programs are licensed and designated through the Government of Alberta and it’s Private Vocational Training Branch. Our Federal Education Institution Numbers are BPMS (Calgary) and BPNI (Edmonton) and the Provincial Institution Numbers are 7353 (Calgary) and 7751 (Edmonton).

Elevated Learning Academy Inc. is registered as a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). Our Designated Learning Institution number is O112565603857.
Monselito BunyiMonselito Bunyi
15:15 18 Aug 21
I just finished and graduated in Diploma for Personal Fitness Trainer. I have learned so much and my brain got full knowledge from the best instructors in school. Crystal, Jarred and Leah are really the best! They have established credibility in their knowledge and they really care about the students. The excellence in their teaching styles have different strokes but have the same goal, and that is the CARE to share their knowledge to us and make us to become the excellent fitness professional.For those who are still thinking about starting a fitness career, this school is my HIGHLY recommended for your guys. Your tuition fee is all worth it. You will not be disappointed and you will finish this school with a smile in your heart and full of knowledge in your brain and you will become successful!
22:44 17 Aug 21
Took the personal trainer course and it was easily the best educational experience I've had by far. The instructors are unreal and just a fountain of knowledge. I would do it all over again if I could. If you're considering your options for any certifications they offer just pick ELA, you wont be disappointed.
Pengwen (DJ Pengwen)Pengwen (DJ Pengwen)
19:59 12 Mar 20
I was enrolled (and completed) the personal fitness trainer program. It's also worth noting that I'm a massage therapist, with a strong knowledge of muscles and their movement, and I still found this program challenging. But it's also worth it.The instructors genuinely want to see people succeed, both in the program and out in the real world, and although the course requires you to be quite self-driven, they will provide you with the resources and assistance where able to ensure you succeed.I would also like to point out, ensure you can structure a healthy work/school/life balance before enrolling. It'll help a lot. :)
Bonnie LangBonnie Lang
20:11 29 Jul 19
I cannot recommend working with ELA enough! I spoke to one of their classes and received a warm welcome, great questions, and lots of interest for a practicum. I was impressed with their level of professionalism but also "real" nature and honesty around the personal training industry.From the class, I was able to work with a practicum student and loved how she was always ready to watch, interact, and even take over on the spot. I appreciated her enthusiasm, willingness to learn, and great people skills - she made people at ease and jumped right into their sessions with them.I'm grateful for a fun experience with ELA and would recommend connecting with them for any personal trainer/business owner in the fitness industry.
Erin GaboraErin Gabora
00:17 27 Mar 19
After much research I came across Elevated Learning Academy. I decided to enroll in the Personal Fitness Teainer Diploma program and I am so glad I did. The instructors, Leah and Daniel were extremely knowledgeable and prepared me for the industry I was entering into. I would recommend anyone interested in becoming certified to check them out. You get the practical work along with the textbook work!

Error: Error validating access token: Session has expired on Saturday, 05-Aug-23 13:03:04 PDT. The current time is Tuesday, 17-Sep-24 06:04:15 PDT.


Applied Nutrition Science Diploma

Next Virtual Delivery: April 22, 2024 - August 28, 2024

Personal Fitness Trainer Diploma

Next Virtual Delivery: February 5 - June 6, 2024
Next Calgary In-Person: March 18 - July 18, 2024
Next Edmonton In-Person: April 15 - August 13, 2024

Cannabis and Health Specialist Diploma

Next Virtual Delivery: March 4, 2024 - July 8, 2024


Enroll Early & Save on Your Tuition

Must enroll by November 30 for classes starting between Jan and March.

Must enroll by February 28 for classes starting between April and May.

Must enroll by April 30 for classes starting between June and August.

Must enroll by July 30 for classes starting between Sept and Dec.


4014 Macleod Trail #305, Calgary, AB T2G 2R7
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