Applied Nutrition Science


Elevated Learning Academy’s Applied Nutrition Science diploma program offers:

Below is a description of our graduates' career path as described Registered Dietitian and one of Elevated Learning Academy's instructors, Erin Hanley:

A common question we get asked at ELA is “What can I do with your Applied Nutrition Science Diploma?” A Nutrition Coach can work with a population of lower-risk clients to achieve better nutrition, manage weight, and become leaders in healthy lifestyle promotion.  

Better Nutrition

Throughout the course, you will learn the definition of “nutrition”, “diet”, and what they mean to your clients. The foundations of evidence-based nutrition are studied along with skill development in assessment, program planning, goal setting, coaching, recipe modification, label reading and much more. The demand for quality evidence-based practitioners who can work with clients needing guidance towards a healthier lifestyle is growing and the skills you learn at ELA help you do just that! We also give you the tools to determine when to utilize the expertise of other members of your client’s healthcare team (doctors, nurses, psychologists, fitness trainers, etc.). We believe in taking an approach that encompasses every aspect of the client’s life and leads to life-long healthy habits. You will learn how to guide your clients to a path of healthier living through achievable nutrition-related goals.

Weight Management

         Whether your client wants to gain weight, lose weight, or remain the same, you will learn how to determine your client’s needs, set realistic goals, and create a plan. Related topics covered in the course include: energy balance and hydration, intuitive and mindful eating, emotional eating, meal planning, habits and behaviour change, goal setting, and much more! You will learn the best strategies to help your client achieve their weight management goals and develop a healthy relationship with food.

Healthy Lifestyle Promotion

         We give you the tools to promote both yourself, and your newly acquired knowledge! Whether your dream is to own your own business or collaborate with like-minded business owners, we give you the skills to succeed. Projects and classes aimed at helping you develop your online presence, start your own business, develop presentations, create educational resources, and connect with other experts in the industry are just some of the ways we help you position yourself for success in the industry. There are many platforms to promote nutrition and healthy living to the public and once you have the tools, the sky is the limit!